Video Production

"We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.." Marshall McLuhan

Archive for September 3, 2009

LLama llama Viral Vid

What is a viral video? Why is it viral? Post your favorite viral video links below……….

Uploaded by ltfgfWatch hilarious animal videos

McLuhan Vid Commercial Canada

Canadian Heritage Minute 61 – Marshal Mcluhan
Uploaded by popefr. – Watch original web videos.

This Video recreates Prof. Mcluhan proclaiming for the first time that “the medium is the message”. Add new tag

Marshall Mcluhan

Marshall McLuhan once said “We shape our tools and then our tools shape us”. He was talking about media, television radio, internet, and now even video games. What do you think he meant by his  famous quote?

Answer the question as a comment below………..1 paragraph 5 sentence minimum.

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